Category: Uncategorized

July 17: Shoreline Restoration at Lake Jesup

Today I volunteered with IDEAS For Us – Orlando and Seminole Education, Restoration & Volunteer (SERV) Program on shoreline restoration at Lake Jesup Park in Sanford. We learned which plants thrive in different “zones” and worked in small groups planting Pickerelweed, Duck Potato, and Golden Canna. We also learned how to use the shovel to […]

May 29: Planting a Pollinator Garden

Today I worked with a group of volunteers planting a pollinator garden at the entrance to Orlando’s Kaley Square Park. The event was organized by Ideas for Us Orlando, which is headquartered in a former church building at the other side of the park. A horticulturalist gave us a great lecture on native plants — […]

April 25: Earth Day at Lake Eola

Today I volunteered with the EDF Action booth at the Central Florida Earth Day celebration on Lake Eola. As we were setting up at 10 a.m. a big storm passed through, drenching us all and everything under our tent. This made for a very dramatic start to the day! But we dried off and managed […]